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Author Archives: admin
Find a Report By Name
It’s been a while since the last post. But the blog is not dead, I keep working with HR.Net and when I find good enough reason to post here, I do. Here is the new gem I had to discover. … Continue reading
Find all workflows that use a picklist, by picklist name
One of my readers did ask if there is a way to find all the workflows that use a particular picklist. A little bit of digging and here you go: select pppf.folder_name as [Folder], ppf.folder_name as [Folder], pf.folder_name as [Folder], … Continue reading
Lost a picklist? Find it with a query
Many times over I did spend a lot of time looking for a particular picklist. I know the name, but have no idea what folder it is in. And if you have more than just a few of them, it … Continue reading
Yet Another Successful Project
And yet another successful project with HR.Net is coming to an end. Oh how I miss those sleepless debugging nights and clients with tears of joy! Anyway, I’d like to remind my readers that I am available to work on … Continue reading
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Find all workflows that email particular address
Quite often people within organisation change roles or leave. And if your HR.Net workflows were programmed to email that person, you’ll have to go into these workflows and change the address. But if you have thousands of workflows? you don’t … Continue reading
Switch to Attached Documents Page
A while back, when I worked with HR.Net version 3, I came up with a bunch of random JavaScript hacks. Now I’m working with version 4. JavaScript API has been changed and some of my tricks do not work in … Continue reading
Autosave a screen
I had a question asked ages ago about Auto-Save of a screen. And Dan Hutson have just posted an answer to this question: // auto-save after this many minutes var countDown = 15; // get current time at screen load … Continue reading
Wild-card for searches
Some things in my work I take for granted and don’t realise that can be not obvious. One of my readers Steph noted, HR.Net uses percent sign % as a wild-card in searches. So whenever you do search for a … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
In case you have not realised, HR.Net is using jQuery for some of it’s functionality on screens. So power of jQuery is at your mercy when you write the Custom Scripts for the screens. Shame that the version of jQuery … Continue reading
Find screen by base table
Find all the screens that modify particular table select pppf.folder_name as [Folder], ppf.folder_name as [Folder], pf.folder_name as [Folder], f.folder_name as [Folder], scr_lang.SCREENNAME, scr_lang.DESCRIPTION, scr.* from OC_SCREENS scr inner join OC_SCREENLANGUAGES scr_lang on scr.SCREENID = scr_lang.SCREENID left join OC_ADMINCONSOLE_FOLDERS f on … Continue reading