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Tag Archives: workflow
Start stalled workflows from beginning
When workflows stall, they get stuck on the stage that caused the issue. Many times over it is useful to start the workflow from the start – a complete re-run. But there is no way to do that in the … Continue reading
Workflow service borked! Again!
Workflow service is extremely useful and extremely fragile. About once a month I get a call from a customer with the problem that boils down to Workflow Service not operating. Today I just had to see what is sitting in … Continue reading
Restart HR.Net services
HR.Net is full of WTF moments. This whole blog is based on these moments: from ancient version of jQuery to obscure bugs in places where “things should just work”. This time I run into Workflow service that sometimes gets stuck: … Continue reading
Find workflows/mailers with particular subject
Sometimes I get support requests quoting an email received from HR.Net and asking to modify that email text or add more recipients. And then I need need to find that workflow containing the mailer that sent out that particular message. … Continue reading
Find all workflows that use a picklist, by picklist name
One of my readers did ask if there is a way to find all the workflows that use a particular picklist. A little bit of digging and here you go: select pppf.folder_name as [Folder], ppf.folder_name as [Folder], pf.folder_name as [Folder], … Continue reading
Disable Form Validation When Saving Workflow as a Draft
Again, thanks Dan Huston for a great question which was this: Is it possible to distinguish between when a workflow form is being submitted and when the user is saving it to their drafts folder? We have times when the … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged code, custom script, javascript, Screen, snippet, validation, workflow, Workflows
Find workflows that change particular table field
Today my task was to find out what workflows are changing particular field within particular table. I could go through all the workflows and all the data-writers and check. But I have hundreds to choose from, I’ll spend all day … Continue reading
Error saying “Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘OC_WORKFLOWCACHEPARAMETERS_PK'”
Talking about an issue that can occur that results in a stalled instance in the Workflow Instances with the error as described. Viewing the Workflow stalled instances displays the following error message. Exception: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘OC_WORKFLOWCACHEPARAMETERS_PK’. Cannot … Continue reading
Posted in Admin Console
Tagged Constraint, Duplicate, Instances, Primary Key, Violation, workflow
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