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Tag Archives: code
Disable Form Validation When Saving Workflow as a Draft
Again, thanks Dan Huston for a great question which was this: Is it possible to distinguish between when a workflow form is being submitted and when the user is saving it to their drafts folder? We have times when the … Continue reading
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Tagged code, custom script, javascript, Screen, snippet, validation, workflow, Workflows
Find screens that edit particular field in a table
As a follow-up from yesterday post about finding workflows that change field in a table, today I needed to find all the screens that contain particular field from a table. Here is the SQL query: select pppf.folder_name as [Folder], ppf.folder_name … Continue reading
Find workflows that change particular table field
Today my task was to find out what workflows are changing particular field within particular table. I could go through all the workflows and all the data-writers and check. But I have hundreds to choose from, I’ll spend all day … Continue reading
Determine if record is saved
Sometimes we need to determine in JavaScript if record is already saved or not. You can use this function for this: /** * Check if we are creating a new record, */ function areCreatingNewRecord(){ var record_id = document.getElementById(“hdRecordID”).value; if (record_id … Continue reading
JavaScript events triggered on screen via custom script
JavaScript has various event handlers, like onChange or onMouseOver. In HR.Net it is not obvious how things work and how to trigger functions based on events.. Here are some tips: This is how to trigger event when date field on … Continue reading
List users per role
Admin Console of HR.Net allows only to list users by their primary role. And secondary roles are in a shade. To display all users that belong to a particular role (primary or secondary) you can use this bit of sql: … Continue reading
Java Script Validation in Workflow
This method no longer works with later versions of HR.Net. See update. Screen validation has been mastered by me a long time ago and we are using it all over the place. But workflow screen has not been properly validated … Continue reading
Get parent_id from Javascript
Sometimes you need to get current record properties from the screen. Here is how to find Parent Record ID (if available), Current Record ID and table name for the current screen. Please note that a record can have no parent … Continue reading
Buttons on forms?
Long time ago we needed to have a button on HRNET screen. If you work with HRNET, you know, there are no buttons available on the screens. Today almost no need for buttons, but I’ll tell you how the buttons … Continue reading
Function in computed field in temp table
It is not easy to set up function on computed field in temp table. I spent the whole day trying to resolve this… and here is the answer: use hrnetdev declare @functions nvarchar(4000) set @functions = ‘ use [tempdb] IF … Continue reading